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electronica: Huge interest in DYNAFORCE input technology

Ultra sensitive force touch technology

DYNAFORCE – our new product at electronica 2018 – met with huge interest. From metal and glass to wood and other materials – a gentle touch is all it takes to identify keystrokes for input technology.

DYNAFORCE is based on strain gauges and stands apart thanks to its simple application and intelligent evaluation.

Learn more about DYNAFORCE and the easy assembly of the modules in this video.

The touch creates mechanical deformation, which generates signals that are detected through metal sheets of 0.3 to 1.2 mm without interference. A strain gauge sensor is situated behind each key on the PCB. A network of several sensors recognises extremely sensitive mechanical deformations and filters out interference thanks to intelligent evaluation. 

Did you miss the innovations in Munich? Please contact us – we would be happy to show you the many possibilities offered by DYNAFORCE.